La Ferme du Champ du Parc

Our Poitevin goats and our Marans hens

Goat of Poitou at la Ferme du Champ du Parc
The realization of a dream

The breeding of Poitou goats started with us in 1998.

Depuis cette année du siècle dernier (sic), les chèvres occupent notre quotidien.

Poitevin goats

A little history

Legend has it that the Poitevin goat was a gift left by the Arabs defeated in Poitiers by Charles Martel…

It seems more simply that it constitutes a branch of the deceased goat of the central massif, just like its cousin, the Pyrenean.

Replaced in our farms from the first half of the 20th century by more productive breeds, the Poitevin goat, however, has great qualities that justify its breeding and preservation.


It is an animal that seduced us with its sensitive and playful character, its rusticity, its prolificity and the exceptional cheese quality of its milk.
Of course, this choice complicates things a little, because you have to be satisfied with an average production!


Reconcile genetic selection and variability, find suitable breeders, etc.
This is also the interest of our activity!
Apart from a slight nitrogen supplement, the menu of our goats is made up exclusively of hay, straw, alfalfa and cereals.

The reproduction

It is parturition that triggers milk production for about 10 months. Our goats “huck” in the natural season, from the end of December to the beginning of March depending on the year.
We select our goats according to their genetics, their mother's dairy aptitudes, their type and their character.

Marans hens

A little history

The hens of Marans constitute a solid race whose origin goes back to the time when the sailors of this (small) village of Charente Maritime brought back from their distant voyages Asian fighting cocks

The goose that lays golden eggs

With a very sociable behavior, the many varieties of Marans hens have in common the dark color of their eggs: red or gold.

Illustrious amateurs

These are James Bond's favorite eggs (reference 20th James Bond - Die another day)… and General De Gaulle's favorite eggs.

For sale

We sell these eggs on the farm
We select our goats according to their genetics, their mother's dairy aptitudes, their type and their character.

La Ferme du Champ du Parc

Goat farm in Ouismes
